Self - destruct - Johnny Winter freezes Slade at Gardens




London palladium 1973 slade fanfare for europeThe rumblings in the corridors of London Gardens Monday night after the English group, Slade, self destructed before more than 4,000 fans on the first half of a double bill concert centered mainly on the group's volume.

Even by rock standards the band was excessive, so powerful that a record company promotion man was overheard to say between gulps of a soft drink: "Maaaan, that group's too loud."

When he uttered the statement, the aforementioned PR type was standing in the corridor while the band was still on, protecting his sensitive eardrums with the thick concrete block walls between him and the arena echo chamber.

Loudness aside, Slade proved themselves to be an inept simplistic group bordering on musical idiocy. This is probably a minority report, but it is not without its supporters.

Slade seem to do well with singles in Europe, but why is a mystery. Noddy Holder's piercing lead vocals resemble primordial screaming more than rock anguishing and the band's wobbly chord smashing and pots and pans rhythms strip the feelings from rock n' roll rendering it musicless.(I've never heard anybody mishandle a song as badly as they did on Feel So Fine).

As usual the acoustics at the Gardens got in the way of the rock, imploding on the sound before new things happened.

(Edited @ SIE)